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A timely reflection: What are you grateful for?

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

Each year comes with its challenges, triumphs, troubles, peace, pain, joy, headstones and milestones. This year, some events positively overwhelmed us, whilst some proved to be disenchanting and a let-down. On the other hand, there are many things we took for granted or felt entitled to; we even got upset when things didn’t go in our favour. There is no doubt that we have all experienced this array of emotions in 2020.

However, here is an exercise we can try next year. At the end of every week, write down one thing you’re grateful for on a piece of paper. Then, place this paper in a jar. Try repeating this every week and by the end of the year, you should have at least 50 thankful statements on this list. NB: You may also use the Notes App on your device to keep track of these accounts.

Reflection over past events through a gracious panorama makes us realise that there is a lot to be grateful for. In all we experience and observe, it is essential that we seek out the positives and show gratitude for the little things that make us who we are. Gratitude is crucial to our raison d'être. Various psychological studies have demonstrated how our physical, mental and general well-being could hinge on the helpful effects of gratitude. Despite the hurdles, obstacles and challenges that we have faced; there is still a lot we could be grateful for. As Zig Ziglar noted: “I have too many flaws to be perfect but I have too many blessings to be ungrateful”.

So, what am I grateful for?

  • I’m grateful for every molecule of air I breathe.

  • I’m grateful for having an affectionate relationship with every member of my nuclear and extended family.

  • I’m grateful for every day I sleep and wake up.

  • I’m grateful for personal optimal health.

  • I’m grateful for the safety and protection every time I utilised public or private transport.

  • I’m grateful for the privilege to start a blog with a brilliant and industrious friend.

  • I’m grateful for having caring friends who spontaneously check on me.

  • I’m grateful that I can appreciate the beauty of life, nature, and style of music.

  • Even though I’m not where I dreamed to be, I’m grateful for where I am in life because I’m not where I was prior.

  • I’m grateful for free will and all the choices I am able to make.

  • When things didn’t go my way, I’m grateful for the levels of patience and grace I’ve had to rely on.

So, over to you. Tell us in the comments! What are you grateful for?



  1. Panorama: an unbroken view of the whole region surrounding an observer.

  2. Raison d’etre: the most important reason or the purpose for someone or something's existence.

  3. Industrious: diligent and hard-working.

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1 commentaire

Faathima Khan
Faathima Khan
20 déc. 2020

I'm grateful that 2020 has educated me about the value of freedom, social gatherings and simply living without fear.

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